Is This “Real Love” or a Weird Obsession? Teenager Confronts Stalker Over Cupcakes, And It Gets Awkward
High school can be a tricky time for many people. You’re trying to figure out who you are, what you want to do with your life, how to handle breakups, if you’re cool enough to be with the in-crowd, and how you’re going to get there. But for OP, things have taken a creepy turn lately.
For the past few months, a girl has been following him around, recording him, and making him extremely uncomfortable. She stays quietly in the back, watching him and just being a little nuisance in the background, annoying him.
Nightmare On School Street
He tried to get her off of him, by trying to get away from her, but she never stopped trying. All attempts to have an actual conversation with her would lead to her running off or leaving before he could actually tell her how he didn’t like her actions.
He went ahead to report to his dean, hoping he would be able to do something to help, but it was beyond the man, and he wasn’t able to offer any form of assistance other than a stern warning which did absolutely nothing to ward off the girl.
Even telling his parents didn’t do anything and they seemed not to care. They even expected him to be flattered to have his very own stalker, which is absolutely unacceptable from a parent. With no person to help him, he was stuck with his stalker.
To make matters worse, she’s even gone so far as to create an invasive Tumblr page featuring edited pictures of them as a couple. He tried confronting her about it, hoping to get her to take the page down, but as always, she ran away before he could say anything properly.
Now, she sounds even worse than Joe Goldberg. How could his parents think it was cool that he had his own personal stalker like it was something to brag of? He must have felt so unsafe, and the fact that no one seemed to care or think it serious must have hurt even more.
Cupcake Confrontation
Things came to a head when the stalker approached him with a box of cupcakes during lunch. Usually, such a gesture would be appreciated by anyone, because who doesn’t like cupcakes? But with the existing relationship between him and the girl, things were bound to rocket out of control.
Despite knowing that she had ditched class to find out where he was sitting, he wasn’t having it. He told her in no uncertain terms that he didn’t want her gift, and didn’t like that she was always stalking him. He told her to leave him alone.
She didn’t seem to listen, as she mumbled quiet apologies and kept shoving the box into his hands. Things took a turn for the worse when he called her a “creepy b—h” and threw the cupcakes in the trash, along with the box.
The stalker ran off crying, and his friends were split on whether his reaction was justified. Some of his friends cheered him on for finally getting her to hear him out, while others thought he had acted horribly. He himself is not sure if he did the right thing.
What People Think
One user thinks his actions are justified and out of frustration. Considering that she’s been stalking and harassing him, it’s only fair that he lashes out.
“Yes. She’s harassing you. You’ve warned her to leave you alone, but she hasn’t. Honestly, dumping the cupcakes was not so cruel, considering she otherwise wasn’t taking the very obvious hint. It’s not like you were doing it to be mean either, but rather out of frustration.
I think taking it up with your teachers and counselor is in order.”
u/LordSpongeballer thinks his parent’s reactions are terrible, and we agree with them.
“Dude, get a restraining/protection order. This is disturbing as HELL. This isn’t a cute little crush; this is how stalkers end up finding your house and climbing in your window to watch you when you’re asleep. You being a guy doesn’t make it any different; this is harassment, and your parents/friends suck major a– for those reactions.”
It’s a tough situation to be in. On the one hand, it’s important to stand up for yourself and let people know when they’re making you uncomfortable. But on the other hand, there’s no denying that his actions were pretty harsh. What would you have done?
This article was produced and syndicated by Hello Sensible. This thread inspired this post.