Suspicious Moves: 14 Alarming Signs She Might Be Cheating on You
1. It’s In The Small Things
The first signs you should look out for are the tiny ones, which you would probably miss if you didn’t pay attention. Suddenly, your girlfriend is doing things she usually won’t do, things she probably mentioned hating in the past. There might be something fishy going on.
2. New Doesn’t Always Mean Better
A change in routine, pattern, or behavior could be a sign. Missing dinner, visiting “new” friends, changing sleeping routine, missing date or game nights with flimsy excuses, suddenly locking her phone could be signs she’s creeping around.
3. Flimsy Excuses
Taking a cue from number two, watch out when the excuses for missing important dates, events, or appointments sound ridiculous and make no sense. You know her, the things she’s likely to forget and the things that would normally mean the world to her.
And if you’ve been together for a while, what are the chances she would forget an important date or event for some flimsy reason?
4. Negative Reaction To Affection
Things may be taking a wrong turn when she begins to reject your intimacy. She now gives cold hugs, little to no kisses, or reacts coldly to any affection you throw her way. Most men agree that this is a sign to look out for. It could mean your girlfriend is cheating or she’s no longer interested. Whatever it is, it’s something you should address.
5. Digging Up Old Dirt
To justify her avoiding you and acting out in weird, unexplainable ways, your partner may bring up past mistakes, fights, or things you did that hurt her and throw them at you. She would expect you to understand that something you did ten years ago still hurts deeply.
6. Old Posts Become Gold
It’s suspicious when her old posts, pictures, or videos start having likes or comments from a random guy. The only people who would take the time to go through hundreds of posts and like more than half or all of them are people that want to be noticed. It’s either creepy or cute. From a random “stranger,” it should be the former.
7. Hanging Out With Mr. Anonymous
There is certainly something fishy when your girlfriend actively avoids giving the names of the “friends” she’s spending a lot of time with, especially when you’re conveniently not present. It worsens when she stays there until late hours and hits you with “it’s no big deal” when you demand an explanation.
8. The Answer Is In Her Phone
If your girlfriend is being unfaithful, her phone might give her away. No, we don’t mean that you should go through her phone. We mean when she becomes unusually and highly protective of her phone. Either she’s cheating, hiding something, or secretly working with the Avengers.
9. When She’s Projecting
Most humans project a lot. If your girlfriend starts accusing you of being unfaithful out of the blue, it could be because that’s what she’s doing. It worsens when she gets defensive and flares up when you try to turn the spotlight back on her.
10. No More Spontaneity
Your once-upon-a-time spontaneous girlfriend suddenly can’t hang out or go out on dates that aren’t planned or scheduled. Not because her work demands more but because she can’t. Spontaneous dates only happen sometimes, but the few times it has, she has never once agreed to the sudden invite. It could be because “you’re just being fit into her schedule.”
11. The Toilet Seat Is Up
Okay, hear me out. Someone believes that one sign that one can use to tell a cheating girlfriend is when you go to her apartment and find that her toilet seat is up. This is more suspicious when she always complains about you leaving them up and has never left them up.
12. Sleeping Beauty
You’ve been trying to reach your girlfriend all day, all to no avail. You’ve sent messages, made calls, and left voicemails, but you get no response. And you know she’s always on her phone.
Fast forward to hours later, she returned the call and explained that she was unavailable because she was sleeping. You do the math and discover that she has been asleep for over 12 hours. Well, well.
13. Vague Answers
People tend to get excited when talking to the people they love. Over-sharing is common in relationships. So, shouldn’t it be suspicious when your girlfriend goes out to an exciting place, and you ask further about her experience, but she avoids sharing anything more than “it was fun”?
14. You’re Asking For Signs
When you suspect your girlfriend so much that you go on social media and ask people for signs of a cheating girlfriend, it screams a potential cheating girlfriend nearby. Remember, fellas, if you suspect she’s cheating, there’s a high chance she is.
Source: Reddit.
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