Praying for Your Future Husband

My marriage post today is a bit different than usual. But I know there are many young ladies who read this site as well and I wanted to talk to them today.
Dear single ladies, are you praying for your future husband? Not as in “Lord send me a man!” but praying for his soul. I remember reading Proverbs 31 as a young woman and the 12th verse really stood out to me.
She will do him good and not evil, all the days of her life. Proverbs 31:12
All the days of her life. How, I wondered could I do him good all my days when I hadn’t even met him? It got me to thinking though.
I realized that somewhere out there God had a young man for me. In fact I became convicted that when God created me in the womb, he was creating me for a specific young man.
Realizing that I was created for this yet unknown man had me curious as to who he might be. I also wondered what he would be like. I was at that point committed to staying pure for my future husband, I wanted to spend my time and energy on learning to become a wife, instead of chasing boys.
So here I am trying my hardest to learn the ways of the home, learn how to be a homemaker and seeking the Lord. My focus is on preparing to be a wife, and I wonder if my future husband is also preparing to be a husband, and a leader of our home.
After all, if I’m working this hard to prepare myself for him, I really hope he’s doing the same for me!
I don’t know when or why the thought originally occurred to me, likely from a book I was reading; but at some point I became convicted that I should pray for my future husband.
At first my prayers went a little like this: “Lord, whoever he is, where ever he is, please bless him”.
But after awhile they became more specific. I began to pray that the Lord would lead him. That the Lord would make himself real to him. That the Lord would help him keep his mind and heart pure.
As I prayed for my future husband I began to get a very clear view of the type of man I wanted to marry. When Jason came into my life I didn’t see him (or any other guy in particular) as anything other than a friend. But as bonds began to form between us, I started comparing him to the prayers I had been praying. They lined up!
Now to be honest, since I’ve spent nearly 6 years as Jason’s wife, I know that if I went back in time and had things to do over, there would be some other very specific prayers I would’ve prayed! 🙂 But, part of marriage is growing together and learning each other. So I’m glad I don’t need to “go back and do it all over”.
So young ladies, if you are not praying for your future husband, let me encourage you do to so. Think about the aspects of the man you hope to marry and pray for him. Pray for purity, strength, spiritual clarity, leadership skills and more. Someday you will recognize your young man because of the prayers you have prayed.
The post Praying for Your Future Husband first appeared on A Proverbs 31 Wife.