Witnessing to Others as a Stay at Home Mom
Do you ever feel like you aren’t doing enough for the Lord because you are a mom? Do you feel like witnessing to others as a stay at home mom is impossible because you are just too busy?
Many women feel like they are a failure when it comes to doing stuff for the Lord, because they are too busy raising a family. You hear of a sick neighbor that you should take food to, but your own children need something to eat first, and once you feed them, you are exhausted.
There is a fundraiser coming up and you feel like you should help out, but your littles are taking up all of your time. Then the deadline passes and you feel like a failure.
At the end of the day you feel like you’ve hardly had time with the Lord, much less time to do anything for him. You feel like you are failing the “great commission” and just aren’t doing anything to help reach the lost.
Witnessing to others as a stay at home mom, just looks impossible at times.
But, as a mother, there is no greater commission than to witness to your own children.
You are not failing the Lord if you have to turn down the Sunday school class you were asked to teach.
You are not failing the Lord if you were so busy taking care of sick babies that you couldn’t go see an ailing neighbor.
You are not failing the Lord if homeschooling your children makes it impossible to help with a church outreach program.
In fact, the only way I can see that you may be failing the Lord is if your attention is so strongly on “reaching the lost”, that you totally forget to reach your own children first.
I find myself looking into the innocent face of my little man and realizing just what a trust has been given to me by God. He has given me a tiny soul and it’s up to Jason and I, to raise him up to honor the Lord.
So, even though at this point in my life, I am more unable to help others the way I used to; I understand that my first and most important calling is to teach my son about the Lord.
I pray dear mommas, that you don’t feel guilty when you have to say “no” to outside requests. Say yes when you can, and no when you can’t. And know that you are fulfilling the greatest calling in the world by training and teaching your little ones.