ZOOM! ZUM-CX Balance Bike
My son is always on the go—but what toddler isn’t!? He was getting tired of riding around on his current toys, so I needed to find something new, fun and exciting for Christopher to try. Boy, did I find it! It’s the ZUM-CX Balance Bike!
Balance Bikes by ZÜM have no pedals and no training wheels. The ZÜM Balance Bike uses a foot-to-floor motion as a means of propulsion. These bikes are perfect for developing coordination and balance, without the anxiety of training wheels. By learning balance first, the transition from the ZÜM Balance Bike to a traditional geared bicycle—with pedals—is made VERY easy.
I’m really excited to tell you about the ZUM-CX Balance Bike for a few reasons:
- It is made from 100 percent birch wood AND the glossy finish is non-toxic.
- It can be assembled two ways, in addition to the adjustable seat, so it grows with your child!
- The wheels are made of rubber.
The 100-percent birch wood frame and the non-toxic lacquer finish appealed to the environmentalist in me! Since I’m always looking for environmentally friendly products for my family, it’s one of the initial reasons I was attracted to this bike.
I was also looking for a bike my son would be able to use for more than one season. Toddlers and preschoolers grow fast! The ZUM-CX Balance Bike’s frame is able to be flipped to adjust for growth. One way makes the seat lower—as low as 12 inches from the floor—allowing even the smallest of toddlers to use it. This is the lowest frame I could find for balance bikes. Take off all the pieces, flip the frame, reassemble and you have a seat that can be as high as 17 inches off the ground—perfect for next summer when your toddler has grown into a preschooler!
One thing that drives me bonkers about many bikes for preschoolers are the plastic wheels. ZUM-CX Balance Bike is taking first bikes to the next level by using real, rubber tires. This allows for smooth riding and a sturdier bicycle. Made from durable materials like the rubber wheels and birch wood frame, this is an item that would truly last for your entire family—maybe even generations to come!
The ZUM-CX Balance Bike arrived in a box, unassembled. My son saw the box and frantically started squealing, “Bicycle! Bicycle!” I took it out to assemble, but quickly realized he wasn’t going to have the patience to let me do it without interference. So I put it away for the weekend and found the assembly to be straight forward. The hardest part was the seat since it was such a tight fit, which is a GOOD thing! I want a product that is solid! Here was my secret to holding the frame open enough to slide the seat pieces into place and screw tight: I wedged the open frame between my legs so I could use both hands with the seat. When converting the bike to a higher frame, it is best to completely remove the back wheel and loosen the two bolts that connect the back of the bike to the front.
Once assembled, my son wouldn’t get off the bike inside! He kept sitting on it, making motor sounds and wanting me to push him. Clearly, he missed the message from ZUM:
If you can walk, you can ride!
He also made me push his beloved blankie around on the bike—a sure sign he adores the ZUM-CX! Christopher quickly learned how to get on and off the bike independently and started scooting around the house. I can’t wait to continue to use the ZUM-CX Balance Bike in the future to see how Christopher does transitioning from Balance Bike to a traditional bicycle with pedals! The concept of learning to balance before learning to push pedals is brilliant! I wish I would’ve known about balance bikes when my daughter was little.
Visit ZUM Balance Bike to check out their variety of balance bikes—I’m sure you will find the perfect one for your young child!
Follow ZUM Balance Bike on Facebook as well!
I received a product to review but all opinions are my own.