Hello My Name is…
Hello my name is regret, I’m pretty sure we have met.
Every single day of your life I’m the whisper inside, that won’t let you forget.
Hello my name is defeat, I’m sure you recognize me,
Just when you think you can win, I’ll drag you right back down again, ’till you’ve lost all belief.
Believed for the very last time
Do you know who you are in Christ? Are you living your life as a saved, redeemed and forgiven person?
So much of the time I forget who I am. I forget that I am a child of God and loved. Instead I act as though I don’t deserve to be forgiven and loved. I act in the sinful nature of my flesh and forget what God has done for me.
I want to always remember who I am and what Christ has done for me. I want to hold that memory high, always prompting me to look up and behave in the manner of one who has been set free and forgiven.
Reading scripture and singing songs of praises are just one way of remembering who I am and what God has done for me. Other ways include using bible verses as art around the home, taking the time to slow down and recognize little blessing, simple prayer thanking God and coloring.
Studies show that coloring is more relaxing and therapeutic than yoga or meditation (I believe neither of which are right for Christians).
Coloring involves the logical and the creative part of your brain to work together. This brings your focus in on the project at hand forcing out your worries and stresses at least for the moment.
Even more than just helping one relax, coloring can draw us closer to God. There are many lovely scripture coloring books to be found. Below I’ve listed 2 different scripture coloring books that I would like from Amazon.
But you don’t have to buy books to enjoy coloring. I have 3 pages available for free download on my subscriber freebies page!
These pages each have one word on them to remind you of who you are in Christ.
To get your coloring pages, sign up here to be added to my email list.
Once you confirm your subscription you will be sent a welcome email with a link to the subscriber freebies page. There are quite a number of free downloads available for you on that page and the coloring printables are at the bottom.