5 Awesome Tips To Overcome Mom Guilt
Being a mom is tough. There are moments of sweet joy and moments of sudden overwhelm. All of which can switch at the drop of a hat. Being a mom is also very incredible. It’s rewarding in a way that I can’t describe and that I thank God every day for.
However, mom guilt is very real. It’s heart-wrenching and at times all-consuming. There are so many times during the week where the mom guilt sets in, and I feel like I’ve failed again and again.
- Why did I say that?
- Why didn’t I say that?
- How could I have handled that situation better?
- How can I make sure to be better next time?
And you know as well as I do that the list is never-ending. So, from a mom of 5 who has plenty of experience with mom guilt, here are some biblical ways that I overcome mom guilt.
Take Some Time To Reflect
We all have those situations where we wish we wouldn’t have said that. Once that mom guilt sets in, an important step to overcome mom guilt is to take time to reflect. Take time to really think about the situation.
In my experience, it’s never as bad as it seems after I take a second and calm down. Once I take the time to reflect and think out of love and not out of anger, I can see the picture a lot clearer. And after a while, I’m ready to tackle the situation again with a clear mind and a better attitude!
Take Some Time For Yourself
This is not to be confused with taking some time to reflect! The truth is that it’s necessary to just take some time for yourself. The key is not feeling guilty for doing so. When you don’t make time for yourself, that leaves you drained. And when you’re drained, you’re exhausted, and when you’re exhausted (emotionally or physically) let’s face it- you’re not fun to be around!
And you guessed it- when you’re not fun to be around, no one is having fun. Have you ever heard or realized that attitudes can rub off on you? Have you ever been around someone in a great mood and it just instantly lifted yours?
What about being around someone with a bad attitude and it totally and completely pulling down yours? Taking time out for yourself makes you feel better. And when you feel better, your attitude and the people around you will notice!
Redirect Your Attitude
Ouch. This is a tough one. Redirecting our attitudes seems easier said than done, but sometimes it can be challenging. If you are ever in a situation where you know you can change the tone by adjusting your attitude, do it.
Things are not always going to be how we think they should. Things will not always work out how we think they will. Most times that is often when I need to adjust mine. Sometimes I think of how something should be, and when that doesn’t happen it just throws me off, and in turn, that gives me a bad attitude and I have to re-adjust it quickly.
The cool thing about this is you get quicker at it, and it gets easier because you already know what you need to do!
Remember Your “Why”
A great way to overcome mom guilt is to remember your why. Look at your children. Your husband. Your home. All of your abundant blessings! It’s really easy to think about the things that stress you out. It’s easy to think of the overwhelming things.
But take a second. Just think of the positive things. Think about how much you love to hear your children’s laughter. Think about those amazing hugs when you least expect them. That hug from your spouse. All of these things we take for granted daily.
It is easy to remember these things, too. And it’s essential that we focus on the positive things. The negative things will tear you down, which I know is the opposite of where you want to go.
Remember To Pray
The single most important thing you can do to overcome mom guilt (actually, overcome anything) is to pray. Pray and pray hard. And do not stop! Prayer is the key to everything.
The thing we have to remember is that God works on His time, so we have to be patient. But, we should always stay in prayer mode. When we busy mamas are at our limit, we can pray for strength, kindness, compassion…just to name a few.
So never stop praying, mama!
No matter what, never stop praying. Never stop wanting more. Never stop wanting more of God. Never stop wanting more for this amazing life that we are so blessed to have. Keep trying. And keep on going.
“Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
God has overcome the world!
Guilt is one of the many emotions that makes us human. We would not be human if we did not have guilt, failure, and trials. In John, the Lord says to take heart, because he has overcome the world! That means no matter what we’re going through, God is always with us and the end result stays exactly the same. He has overcome the world! And because He has overcome the world, we can overcome mom guilt…but only with his help.
I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.
John 16:33
Last thoughts on overcoming mom guilt
Here these tips are again, so you can write them down, put them on a sticky note, whatever it is that will help you overcome mom guilt. Because it’s real.
- Take some time to reflect
- Take some time for yourself
- Rediret your attitude
- Remember your “why”
- Remember to pray
How do you overcome mom guilt? Let me know in the comments!
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