Ways that I am a Proverbs 31 Woman
In one day I had ordered co-op with my mom, drove to the farmers market for potatoes and tomatoes, and drove to a bulk foods store for raw cane sugar and maple syrup. My mom laughed and said I was being a proverbs 31 woman because I was “gathering my food from afar”.
It made me smile and wonder how many other ways that I am being a Proverbs 31 woman without realizing it.
I actually came up with quite a few. Chances are, the ways that I am a proverbs 31 woman fits you as well, so I wanted to share.
Ways that I am a Proverbs 31 Woman:
vs 11 The heart of her husband trusts in her. While I am not perfect, I do hope that Jason has a safe place in me. That he knows I love him just for who he is.
vs 12 Seeks wool and flax and worketh willingly with her hands. To my understanding wool and flax of that time, created clothing. I’m pretty sure we work to make sure our families are clothed, and we work with our hands to make sure they are clean.
vs 14 Brings her food from afar. Even though it’s a quick drive to the store for us, it’s still an effort to get groceries. Especially if we have little ones in tow!
vs 15 Rises while it is night to give meat to her household. Well… I rise in the night give milk to one of my household, pretty sure that counts. 🙂
vs 16 Considers a field and buys it. This is done with the intent of profit. How many of us have started a home based business to help support our families? I have Lilla Rose, and even this blog.
vs 17 Strengthens her arms. Well, if toting a car seat and babies around isn’t “strengthening my arms” I don’t know what will!
vs 18 She perceives that her merchandise is good and her candle goes not out at night. How many times have you stayed up late making sure something gets finished?
vs 19 Hands hold the spindle and distaff. Again this refers to clothing her family.
vs 20 Stretches her hands to the poor. Do you fill shoe boxes? Have you ever “paid it forward”? Studies have shown that those who have the least, actually share the most. Even when it seems like we cannot give much, we must remember the story of the widow who gave a mite which was all she had and Jesus said that it was worth more than the greater coin that the rich men put in because she gave all that she had.
vs 22 Makes coverings of tapestry. and vs 24 makes linen and sells it. Most of us do not make tapestry or linen, in fact those two materials are not that common anymore. But most of us are capable in some way of making clothing. Whether it’s sewing, knitting or crocheting many of us can do this as time permits. And anyone can make a fleece no-sew blanket.
Those are all ways that I am a proverbs 31 woman.
The verses that I left out have more to do with the heart matters. Being virtuous, clothed in strength and honor, speaking wisdom, fearing the Lord; and being blessed by her children and praised by her husband. All these are also obtainable but those are up to you.
I am a Proverbs 31 Woman, and I am sure you are as well. Maybe circumstances dictate that you feed your family freezer meals and/or fast food some of the time. You are still feeding your family. Perhaps you buy all of your family’s clothes, you are still clothing them.
So let’s have no more of this putting the Proverbs 31 Woman up on a pedestal, she was human and in all honesty, the physical work isn’t what makes her so special. What makes her so special is found in verse 30 “Favor is deceitful and beauty is vain; but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised!
If you enjoyed reading “Ways that I am a Proverbs 31 Woman”, you may enjoy the book I helped write called “Set Apart: Becoming a Woman of Virtue in a Modern World“. It is a four-week study on the virtues of the Proverbs 31 Woman.