Someone says they’d support the law, but enforcing it would be challenging and expensive. They give a case where a guardian bought cereal from a prestigious brand instead of a no-name brand.
There’s a Formula
A person who’s worked in and around the family court states that they agree. They explain that there’s a reason many states have a child support worksheet.
An individual likens this law to the one requiring drug tests for welfare recipients. They say it is more costly than it’s worth since very few recipients fail the tests.
Overspending Is Not the Problem
Several answers cover the sad fact that the biggest problem is unpaid child support. One person indicates that statistics show twenty-five percent of parents due for child support do not get payments, while another twenty-five percent only receive partial payments.
Child Support Should Facilitate the Future
A commenter from a divorced family replies that there are better ideas than this. They explain that after their parents’ divorce, their dad was a successful attorney while their mom was a stay-at-home mom.