What do I Stand for? A Look at Beliefs

Give us clear vision, that we may know where to stand and what to stand for – because unless we stand for something, we shall fall for anything.
~ Peter Marshall, US Senate Chaplain 1947
Have you ever looked at yourself and asked “What do I stand for?” Have you ever seriously considered what your actions are telling the world? Sometimes I just go along with the flow and forget, that I as a Christian truly do stand for something and someone.
So today, just as an exercise for myself, I decided to try and list what it is I stand for and why. I know not everyone will necessarily agree with me, and that’s okay. What I would like though, is for everyone to consider within themselves and ask “what do I stand for?” and then ask “why do I stand for that?”
What do I Stand for?
- Jesus Christ, I confess him and acknowledge I am nothing outside of him. Mathew 10:32
- The bible. I believehttp://hellosensible.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=7146&action=edit&message=10 it is the infallible word of God that has lasted through centuries, longer than any other book. I believe that because God’s hand is in this book, he has kept it true, and relevant to this day.
~Despite the thousand year gap, scholars found the Masoretic Text (our old testament) and Dead Sea Scrolls to be nearly identical. The Dead Sea Scrolls provide valuable evidence that the Old Testament had been accurately and carefully preserved.~ source
- Biblical Headship: The woman was made FOR the man and is under his protection and submits to him. While the man was made for God and is under his protection and submits to him. 1 Corinthians 11:3
- Covering my head as a sign of submission to both God and my husband, as well as claiming “the Power of the angels”. 1 Corinthians 11:7-15
- Marriage is for life: Once joined only death should part the two again. Matthew 19:5-8
- Marriage is between 1 man and 1 woman. The holy design of marriage was for populating the earth. Genesis 9:7
- Love. We are called to love our enemies, and to bless them. I believe this also includes those who would fight against what I believe in. Even though I don’t agree with a person, I am still called to love that person as Christ would. Luke 6:227-28
- Truth. Even though I am willing to show the love of Christ to those that I believe are living in sin, I am called to stand upon the truth. So if I were asked my views on a subject, I would answer in truth, even though I know the asker wouldn’t like my answer. Proverbs 23:23
- Modesty. Modesty is how I show my husband and my brothers in Christ the respect that is due to them. 1 Timothy 2:9
- Salvation by grace through faith. Works, will never earn one’s way into heaven; grace only has made it possible that sinners could become sons. Ephesians 2:-9
That’s a pretty big list, and even after all that, there is more. My belief that we should properly care for the earth we have been given, that we should stand for life and speak out against abortions, that a woman’s calling is first and foremost to her husband and children, as well as much much more.
The point of asking myself the question of what do I stand for, and then backing it up with scripture is to remind myself of the Rock on which I stand. I don’t want to fall for anything, rather I want my life to be built on the Rock and I want to stand for God. Reminding myself of these things is how I remember and stand strong.
Remember at the last supper? Christ reminded his disciples that “as oft as you drink this cup, and eat this bread, you are showing my death (or remembering the cost of our salvation) until I come again.” 1 Corinthians 11:24-27
So I challenge you: Look at yourself closely and determine what you stand for, and why.
All biblical references for the post What do I Stand For? come from the King James Version of the bible.