Bringing it all Together | Harvest Devotional Series pt 5
Thank you all so much for encouraging me to write this devotional series. I’ve been encouraged and inspired by writing it and I do hope that you were encouraged by reading.
I wasn’t planning on a 5th devotion. But there were five Fridays this month and after a good series, bringing it all together is a good idea.
Bringing it All Together
We started this series being reminded of the promise of harvest.
I love that we serve a God who is never changing, the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. This promise assures us that God is still in control and until this earth passes away, there will be a seedtime and harvest.
Read A Promise of Harvest here.
Next, we looked into what it takes to cultivate a harvest.
Growing a harvest takes far more than just planting a seed and reaping the results. It takes time, effort, teamwork and sometimes we can feel discouraged along the way.
Thankfully it’s not up to us when it comes to the final harvest, because scripture clearly says that God gives the increase!
Read Cultivating A Harvest here.
The 3rd week we recognized that the harvest is now.
To participate in God’s harvest we don’t need to travel to another country, some days we don’t even need to travel downtown. The harvest is right here, right now.
I was reminded once again that God places each of us right where we are for a reason. We just need to be willing to be His hands and feet.
Read The Harvest is Now here.
In the 4th devotion we take a brief look at what it means to be a follower of Christ, part of the final reaping.
Honestly, I enjoyed writing this on the most. Belonging to the bride of Christ is something precious to me and I consider myself so blessed to be redeemed and claimed as his.
I hope you enjoyed reading it, and recognizing the promises we can claim as his children.
Read A Final Reaping here.
Did you get your printables?
Each of the scripture graphics I made for this series are available as printables in my subscriber specials page.
I recently realized that the format they are in won’t let you upload them to Shutterfly if you wanted to print them that way and not at home. I’ve since fixed that and you will just need to select the jpg format when printing.
I printed them all through Shutterfly in the 8×10 format they were designed for and I love them!
While I’m fond of them all, I really liked the chalkboard print one and thought it looked nice on my shelves, so that’s where it’s hanging out for now. I also really want to find a place for the Final Reaping printable as I love those verses.
How to get your printables:
If you are a subscriber but reading this on the web, you can check your email for my latest mailing, wait for the next one or just email me. I will be more than happy to send it directly to you (although it may take a day or so).
And if you aren’t a subscriber, it’s pretty easy to become one, and you will receive access to the freebie page right after you confirm your subscription!